Wednesday, June 26, 2013


The Elder Poe Report

               Much of this week was rather uneventful, until Sunday evening, although much learning and work was done this week.
               Most of this week was spent in service to several persons in the ward. We spent much of our service time helping a single mother member rebuild her deck as the city was threatening to fine her for not having it in good repair, and one of her neighbors was complaining about how it looked, because that is totally well within the rights of a government to tell people how their private property in their back yard should look. The intrusiveness of a city government aside, this did bring back to mind a valuable lesson my mother taught me about service when I was younger. In short it is, don’t stand around giving people that need help “advice” the advice costs you nothing to give and is just about worth that much, if you truly want to help people and render service unto your fellow brethren jump in there and start actually doing things to help them and to aid them. The Savior didn’t just stand around telling people how to live their lives He went about doing the good and healing those that were sick and afflicted; He didn’t just sermonize He went out feeding the five thousand as well. So next time you are tempted to judge, advise, or criticize someone, instead look to see how you can render service and be a blessing not a burden.
               Another highlight of this week was when the four Elders in our area had dinner Saturday evening with the Ward Mission Leader and his wonderful family. One of the main topics of discussion that came up was home teaching, as this is a critical topic in the missionary effort and discussion. Right now a lot of the time that me and my companion are spending is in meeting with and trying to reactive less active members and bring them back into the Gospel. As the broadcast last night talked about there is just as much joy in bringing back a stray sheep as in bringing the light of the Gospel to someone that has been in darkness all their life. What is even better though is in never having the prodigal’s son leave, and the best way to do that is to make sure you are getting your home teaching accomplished, not just checked off, not just done, but accomplished. Us missionaries will eventually leave and won’t be able to be there to support and to continue to strengthen the new member, and we won’t always be there to lift up the spirits of those who have strayed for a time.  The members of the ward however will be there for many years, they can provide the lasting support that no missionary no matter how great can attain. I would like to speak especially to the Returned Missionaries reading this, at one point you were on a mission and I would be willing to bet found a love for the people you served and the persons you helped bring the Gospel to, find that some love for your home teaching families, find that same deep concern for their physical and spiritual welfare. Home teaching is not just a chore we have been given because the Church wants to keep us busy, it is a privilege each one of us have been given to be able to serve and love another one of our Brothers and Sisters in Christ.
               Another learning experience I had this week was when we attended a wedding for a less active member’s daughter. One thing that really stuck out to me was when the person officiating the ceremony was talking he said “until the end of this mortal life” which to me was such a heart breaking statement. It caused us as missionaries to wonder why any person would want to be married “til death do you part” only. To me it shows how much the Gospel can bless our families so much more than can be done any other way, the Gospel provides for an opportunity to seal the Family unit on Earth and in Heaven. I wish that every happy young couple I see could know what they could have through the Gospel and that they would be willing to act on it. That is why I am out here, and why I am preaching the Gospel so that people can see how their families can be together forever throughout all eternity.
               The other major event that happened was on Sunday evening they had a major worldwide leadership training broadcast aimed at every member of the Church, if you didn’t have a chance to see it then shame on you, they freaking canceled Church to make sure everyone could attend it. However the good news is you can catch the entire broadcast at the new website the church has rolled outHastening the Work of Salvation ( I would encourage everyone to watch it and start applying it in your own life.
               I know that Jesus is the Christ the Son of the Only Living God. I know that Joseph Smith was called as a prophet to restore Christ’s church on the Earth again today. I know that this Gospel will go forth to every nation kindred tongue and people and that no unhallowed hand will stop people from receiving the joy and happiness that can be found through Faith in Jesus Christ.

Moses 1:39
For behold this is my work and my glory to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.

The Report of Elder Hunter Poe

Note: Please feel free to distrubte this message and content to any person that you think would benefit from it, or even those you don’t think would benefit but feel prompted to share with anyway.


The Weekly Elder Poe Report

               This week has been a most interesting week so far as well as a ton of fun, and presented many opportunities for learning.
               Monday we had a wonderful dinner with the Marcum family, they are truly an awesome family they feed us quite a bit actually because they themselves have a daughter that is currently serving in the Utah Ogden Mission. It is always a blessing to be able to go into a member’s home and to be able to feel of the difference that is in those homes, even though they aren’t always sparkling clean or super peaceful in every members home you can feel the Spirit. I wish we could teach every person in a member’s home, and allow our investigators to see what they could have through the Gospel. Additionally it can bring many blessings into the lives of those that are willing to host the missionaries for a teaching appointment and help bring a special spirit into the home.
               Later that evening a quite remarkable event happened. We have been working recently very closely with one of the members in the ward who is also in the stake presidency about getting the missionary effort moving forward in our little corner of Ohio. On Monday, after him and his family had thought about it and prayed about it, he gave us a list of forty of his close friends that he thought could really use our message and a visit from us. It was inspiring to see someone so committed and dedicated to helping the work move forward. Could not each one of us give the missionaries just one or two names that we thought could use our message?
               Wednesday was another highlight day early in the day we had an appointment with a less active member named Michael. Michael had fallen away from the Church early on in his youth and so working with him has been more similar to working with an investigator than a less active member. We had a wonderful lesson with him however about the Plan of Salvation and the Atonement of Jesus Christ, the Spirit was super strong in that lesson as we were able to help clear up some of the things he didn’t quite understand about the Atonement; however even with the Spirit and our promises of the blessings that await him Michael was not willing to commit to be at church. This to me showed how important it is for us to be willing to act on spiritual experiences we receive, it does us no good to sit through a General Conference and have the Spirit testify truth to us if we don’t change our behavior and actions in response to what we have learned and been enlightened with.
               Friday we got to have a mini-missionary with us. A mini-mission is where a young man comes out with us to work with us from 8 am – 6 pm and it was a wonderful opportunity to help  a young man see what missionary work was all about as that day we had two quite excellent lessons with an investigator and a less active member. In both of them the Spirit was really strong and the missionary purpose was manifested greatly.
               Sunday was one of the best days this week. We have had an investigator that we have had trouble getting to meet with, but Sunday we did have a wonderful lesson with him about the importance of the Book of Mormon and how much it can bless our lives. Also we discussed how the Book of Mormon is really one of the only ways to find out about the truth of the Restoration of the Gospel and the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon is upon which everything hangs. Truly the Book of Mormon is a remarkable book for if it is true everything else the missionaries teach must be true Joseph Smith is a prophet, Jesus is the Christ, and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is God’s kingdom on earth. We are actually told as missionaries that Book of Mormon is the MOST powerful tool in conversion with the Spirit. That is remarkable to think about, that the Book of Mormon will do more to help a person become converted to Christ than every lesson, talk, or testimony, the missionaries share.
               In conclusion this week was not always great but the work of the Lord is quickly moving forward. The Lord is hastening His work and no unhallowed hand will stop it from going forward, we are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and we have been promised that as we open our mouths to share the Gospel the Spirit will move upon us as to what to say and what to do. Furthermore those who hold the priesthood don’t only have a responsibility but a stern duty to let others know what the Gospel of Jesus Christ can do. I would invite everyone who reads this message to commit to study Chapter 5 of Preach My Gospel about the Importance of the Book of Mormon. In addition there will be a broadcast Sunday evening the 23rd at 4 o’clock MTS time about missionary work do everything you can to attend the broadcast.

My Purpose:
To invite others to come unto to Christ by helping them receive the restored Gospel through, Faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, Repentance, Baptism, Receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost, and Enduring to the End
-Preach My Gospel pg. 1 Missionary Purpose

The Report of Elder Hunter D. Poe

Note: Please feel free to distribute the Weekly Elder Poe Report to everyone and anyone you would like, or anyone that you think would benefit


The Weekly Elder Poe Report

               This week has been an interesting week full of challenges and experience the following are the highlights of the week.
               Monday evening we had dinner with the Israel family in the ward, they fed us well and during the meal the discussion turned to the “I’m a Mormon” campaign that the Church is currently doing in London and several other cities in response to The Book of Mormon musical. It was amazing to see how quickly the work is moving forward and how the Lord is hastening His Work. (In no small part due to the great efforts of the ICS Department of the Church).
               On Tuesday we were doing service for a less active member that we help out every week, and often during the course of this service her father who lives there will feed us lunch and we talk with him a lot, his name is Wally. He is a great guy has lived a very intresting life and actually taught me quite a few things, but he is usually not very interested in learning about the Church and the Gospel as he thinks he is quite happy as a Catholic; however this Tuesday he opened up to us a little bit more than usual about how his wife had passed away quite painfully a few years ago, even though she had lived her entire life pretty right, and that is the one of the problems he has with our message and us as missionaries is because we always put a rose colored spin on things and make it seem like everything will work out and be easy, that we don’t have to worry about a wife, or kids, or money, or things of that nature. I have been thinking about that a lot recently because it is incredibly true, ultimately we as missionaries do have some trouble relating with people because we aren’t real world people while we are on our missions we are a different kind of person, and we do usually as missionaries put a happy spin on things and don’t always tell people what it will be like when things aren’t going so good.
               This leads me to my next major highlight of this week was Zone Training Meeting. It is a conference all the missionaries in the zone have once a month, to discuss the business of the zone and get some training in. The major theme of this month was finding people to teach. All of the missions in our stake got together at the beginning of this year and decided what their goal for number of baptism would be, the goal they settled on was 575, right now at the halfway point we aren’t even a third of the way there. We have realized that a large part of this is because we are having trouble finding people to teach right now. So we have really been focusing as much of our effort and time right now as we can on finding people that are receptive to the Gospel which really one of the only ways around in our area is though tracting. From Friday to Sunday evening despite our best efforts we have gotten no new investigators yet in this area.
               Finally, on Sunday evening we had dinner with the Marcum family, they are an amazing family that feed us quite regularly, and we always have good discussions with, in part because their daughter is actually serving right now in the Spanish Speaking North Ogden mission. As we were talking we asked Brother Marcum about how he had started investigating the Gospel and what part the missionaries played in helping him with the decision to be baptized. His response was that actually the missionaries actually played no role in his decision to investigate the Church and join, it was his friends that he had that were members of the Church that helped him to starting learning about the church, and ultimately it was them that helped him decide to join the church. This helped me realize that although us missionaries often like to think that we are a big part of helping people convert really we play a marginal role, it is their own commitment to finding the truth, their own relationship with God, and the friendships that they develop with other members of the Church that is the big part of it, us missionaries are just there to help teach a little bit.
               So what all this week has made me realize is that the best missionaries in the world will be useless without the support and help of the members of  the Church. The most effective way for missionaries to find people to teach is for members of the Ward to invite their friends and neighbors to be taught, in the members home, from the missionaries. The most important thing in determining if Recent Converts will remain active or fall away is the fellowship and friendship they receive from the members. So this is my appeal to everyone who reads this letter, starting doing the work starting helping the missionary work. There are thousands of returned missionaries out there that know what a mission is like and have been there, when you took off your name tag you didn’t forget everything you learned. It may be intimidating at first to start, but darnit the Lord has promised that He will hasten His work, when you are doing missionary work you are doing a greater amount of good than can be done anywhere else outside of the Temple or your family. The joy that you can receive from  helping someone come enter into the Kingdom of God is greater than any other joy you can find outside of the family, it will bless your life more than can be described. I would like to end this letter by inviting every member of the Church who reads this to commit to do three things. 1) Read Elder Andersen’s talk from this most recent General Conference titled “It’s a Miracle” 2) Get a copy of Preach My Gospel in your home, and then once you do or if you already have one, study out of it, have one family home evening a week dedicated to missionary work, or something like that it will increase your understanding of the Gospel and desire to share it 3)Start helping the full time missionaries in your area get people to teach and be there while they teach, it doesn’t have to be a chance to convert someone. It doesn’t have to be confrontational or awkward, invite a friend to a FHE and invite the missionaries over to teach the lesson they will be grateful for it and it will bless your home. I end with a  promise that if you strive to the best of your effort to help bring people to the Kingdom of God you will be blessed and so will your family, returned missionaries remember the joy you felt when you had the chance to help someone enter into the covenant of baptism.

Doctrine and Convenants Section 18: 15-16

And if it so be that you should labor all your days in crying repentance unto this people and bring save it be one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father!
And now, if your joy will be great with one soul that you have brought unto me into the kingdom of my Father, how great will be your joy if you should bring many souls unto me!

The Report of
Elder Hunter D. Poe


The Weekly Elder Poe Report

               This week has been an amazing week of opportunity and learning as well as helping people come unto Christ. Briefly the highlights of the week have been thusly;
               Saturday the other Elders in the ward in which I serve had an opportunity to see someone they had been working with enter the waters of baptism and then be confirmed a member of the Church by the laying on of hands. It was an amazing thing to be a part of and to help facilitate, the Spirit was incredibly strong at all times, and the Sunday in which the recent convert had gotten baptized was an amazing fast and testimony meeting for the ward.
In addition to that I saw an amazing example of someone demonstrating the Character of Christ. There is a sister in our ward that is currently not attending Church because she is out of town a lot of the time, she is the owner of a center that works with autistic children, they have a branch here in Ohio as well as in England, and another branch in Vegas. She got a call on Saturday where she was told that the company that is supposed to be handling the invoices for her Vegas practice, will be unable to pay her for at least a month probably more. Her response instead of yelling or taking it out on the poor young lady on the phone was to ask how it happened and what could be done to help fix it. The woman on the phone explained that there wasn’t really anything that could be done right now. Instead of getting upset with the phone lady the sister in our ward responded calmly and was accepting of the fact. Here is the truly remarkable part, the lady on the phone was so shocked by the kindness of our sister that she said she would bump her to the top of the priority queue, and the sister in our ward responded by asking her not to because that would mean someone else would get bumped down. So to recap our Sister found out she wasn’t going to get paid for at least a month, and her immediate response after realizing nothing can be done is to start making sure other people are taken care of before herself. This is truly a Christlike sister, and she was an amazing example to me of how we should all try and live. I would also encourage everyone who has the chance to, to read Elder Bednar’s “The Character of Christ” it is not on but a quick Google search will turn it up.
Unfortunately I am almost out of emailing time so this one will be a little short but one last incident from this week. We had dinner with a less active member who has actually had no contact or communication with the church for many years, he served a mission and was born and raised LDS but because of some of the stuff in his life he no longer believes in the Church and doesn’t like to talk about God. When we learned about this our natural question was of course why he would be willing to help feed us dinner and let us into his home to talk a bit? He then told us how several years ago he had lost his job and him and his family was being evicted from their apartment and they had packed up their stuff and put it in the truck but there were several pieces of heavy furniture that they weren’t sure what to do with because she was 3 months pregnant and he couldn’t move them by himself. Right as him and his wife were talking about it they got a call when he answered it, it was the missionaries calling to see how he was doing and if they could help out with anything. He told them about the couch and they showed up and helped him pack it up and then made sure that the Elders in the area they were moving to would be there to help unload everything. The lesson I learned from that is that no matter how far we wander and how far of the path we trod God always loves us, he is always there for us, and we are never forgotten and he will do everything he can to help us achieve peace in this life and happiness in the life to come. Farewell until next week my Brothers and Sisters

Matthew 18:11-13
For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost.
How think ye? If a man have an hundred sheep, and one of them be gone astray doth he not leave the ninety and nine, and goeth into the mountains, and seeketh that which is gone astray?
And if so be that he find it, verily I say unto you, he rejoiceth more of that sheep than of the ninety and nine which went not astray

The Report of Elder Hunter Poe


The Weekly Elder Poe Report

               This week had several amazing opportunities. Monday early in the morning we had an appointment with a Less Active member who has been struggling lately because she is feeling overwhelmed with all she has to do, she has two daughters she is trying to put through college right now, her job isn’t going well, and her ex-husband could be described in terms that aren’t very Christlike. Seeing one of my fellow saints struggling like that was deeply moving and a powerful reminder to me that the reason I am out on my mission is to help other people be comforted and come closer to Christ. We had a wonderful lesson about the Book of Mormon though and how through it we can come closer to Christ by abiding by its precepts.
               Later on in the week we had a lesson with another less active member that we had set up an appointment with the week prior, he had been born into the Church, actually around my home town of Clearfield many moons ago, but had become inactive after leaving home and join the marines. We reviewed the Restoration with him, and although the lesson went well and he totally believed and agreed with everything we said, he wouldn’t commit to come to Church at that time, we did get a return appointment, and I know that this member would be a Kingdom builder of the Church if he would come back to the Lord, and he himself admits that if he were to go to Church he would be more blessed. He doesn’t understand the Restored Gospel though, he believes it, he knows it, but he doesn’t understand it. This speaks to me how although we hear things in Sunday School, and Sacrament meeting, and we know about them and of them, we don’t really understand principles of the Gospel until we incorporate them into our behavior, our thoughts, and our actions, allowing them to change the very nature of our being; allowing ourselves to be changed through the power of the Atonement of Christ is the only way we can truly progress.
               On Sunday we had a devastating event happen; we have an investigator we have been working with since before I arrived in the mission field, and he believes everything we have taught and he understands it, has read the Book of Mormon and everything, yet he has been having some problems giving up coffee, and has missed several baptismal dates in consequence of it. On Sunday we received a text from him informing us that due to health and family matters he would like to discontinue his studies for right now. That was one of the saddest and most disappointing things that has happened thus far on the mission, I was entirely crushed, it is saddening to see someone who has tasted of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and has seen what it can do for him in life decide that don’t want a part of it. It also shows me how we must always ensure we are striving our best to be the best teachers we  can be, and to bring the Spirit in, in every lesson if we want to be sure we have done all we can.
               The week wrapped up on Monday quite well though, the ward was holding a Memorial Day breakfast, and we invited several people we were working with, to come. Although they were late, one of our less actives came and her daughter who has been investigating, and another daughter that has potential, it was great to see them getting fellowshipped by the ward and having a good time, in addition the Strongsville ward has some pretty decent cooks so the food was tasty.  At the end of Monday we had a lesson with a friend of one of our investigators who had shown an interest in learning more about the Church. We opened by asking him why he had agreed to meet with us and what he thought he would get out of it and all of his questions and everything he wanted to know about was exactly what the Gospel provides, I am sure he has been prepared by the Lord, we taught a pretty good lesson on the Restoration with him and got him to commit to a return appointment. I can see him and his family getting baptized in the near future.
               The Lord his moving his work forward and he is on our side, like in the days of ancient Israel we need not fear for the Lord fights for us and his work and Gospel will continue to go forth until it fills the whole earth. The outcome is determined the battle has already been decided our only choice is whether we will choose to be on the Lord’s side and raised up to glory, honor, and righteousness, or whether we will be on the side of the great whore of all the earth, the mother of all abominations, to be brought low at the last day because we have no foundation.

Helamen 5:12
 And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall

The Report of Elder Hunter D. Poe


The Weekly Elder Poe Report
This week went really well and has many stories of success. On Monday we had an appointment with one of our investigators and she decided she would like to get baptized it was an amazing experience to be there and see a child of God make those first steps towards returning to him, we have set the date for June 8th the lesson itself went amazing it was about how regular prayer and scripture study can bless and enhance our lives. In addition we got to have a young man come with us and I will say the youth of the Strongsville ward are amazing and so eager and happy to serve and hasten the work it is truly inspiring. During the day we went to the Zoo for P Day and saw monkeys that were awesome.
               Tuesday was another wonderful day but very saddening at the same time. We started by having to go the Verizion store to resolve an issue with one of our phones and well one of my companions was on the phone with customer service I had an excellent conversation with the store employee and managed to leave  a Book of Mormon with him, most of the rest of the day involved stopping by several Less Active members none of whom were home, however we also stopped by a Former Investigator that we didn’t think would be there, but lo and behold we knocked on the door he invited us right in and we had an excellent discussion about Family History work and helped direct him to the Family History Center for the stake. The last part of the day we stopped by a less active member that it just broke my heart to see, he was struggling with keeping his baptismal covenants and him and his wife were having problems and it was so hard to see someone who could get so much joy from receiving the Gospel, we did manage to share an excellent lesson with him about the Importance of the Book of Mormon though and he committed to start reading again which was amazing and one of the best things he can do right now.  The next day I was on exchanges with the district leader which went well we stopped by several less active and potential investigators without managing to get into their homes because they were busy however we did have a wonderful dinner with a single parent member family that has 6 kids, and I was so happy to be in, because everything was so much like home. This was followed by going to teach a lesson with an investigator that already had a baptismal date and we were finishing the lessons with, it was about the Plan of Salvation and it was amazing to see that it wasn’t like we were teaching him something new but rather he was remembering something he had forgotten it was a wonderful lesson and the Spirit was super strong in the room.  Most of the Thursday was then taken up by zone conference however about halfway through one of the Assistants to the President pulled me and my companion out and standing there was the former investigator we had stopped by earlier in the week, it was truly a remarkable thing, because he just happened to be in the area that day and decided he would stop by the Family History Center to check it out on the same exact day we just happened to be at the Stake Center (The Family History Center and Stake Center are in the same building) it truly makes me believe the Lord has prepared this gentleman and his family to receive the Gospel at this time and I am so grateful the Lord has allowed me to be the instrument to do so.  After that unfortunately our dinner appointment had to cancel on us but we then had a wonderful lesson with our investigator from Monday that had a baptismal date about the Word of Wisdom, and although the lesson went well what was even more amazing was, we had a young man with us from the ward that himself had been dealing with some challenges but when he had the opportunity to help teach the lesson it was amazing to see how his testimony was strengthened as well in sharing the Gospel, so the best way to help someone who is struggling with their testimony is to help them have opportunities to share it and spread it.  Friday this week was truly extraordinary we went with an investigator and his member friends to Kirtland for the first time, and some of the experiences that were had while in Kirtland were so amazing that the tounge could not speak them or the hand write them. I will simply say this, although I am a little disappointed that we do not have an opportunity to attended the temple in my mission, Kirtland is the next closest thing. The Spirit that is in some of those rooms in Kirtland is rivaled only by the Spirit I felt in the Temple and in Martin’s Cove, it is profound, I would encourage and exhort all persons with the opportunity to visit Kirtland to avail themselves of that opportunity and to go as often and as much as they can.  After that we had several visits and lessons with some members in the ward that went quite well and showed me how ready this ward is to start to help to build up Kirtland again.
               Saturday we attended a baptism for an investigator in another ward that had been attending ours for a while, and I actually didn’t even get to see the baptism because the room was so packed with members that were turning out to support their new sister. Members are absolutely critical and essential for helping the work move forward, the best missionaries in the world have to leave eventually but the members stay. I would invite everyone to attend every convert baptism that is in their ward which not just helps the new member feel welcomed but helps remind us of our sacred baptismal covenants. After that we spent several hours helping a less active member and her non member farther with some yard work, which I will say felt so good to do even though it was 89 degrees outside and hot as Satan’s armpit it felt so good to be able to help someone. This was followed by visiting a less active brother that we have spent about a month and half trying to get in contact with and we finally got him, and he told us that he believes the Church is true and he prays every night and pretty much follows all of the commandments and he knows he needs to get to church and everything he just needs a little extra oomph, which I have every intention of helping to provide if the Lord wills, and he did commit that night however to start reading his Book of Mormon each night and we set up a return appointment to come back. After that we had a visit with the gentleman from the Family History Center and got to know him and his wife very well, they loved to talk about Utah and how beautiful it was (they went there on several trips) but we did managed to bring the conversation back around to Family History Work and the Spirit of Elijah of how that can bless our lives and we managed to set up a return appointment. Sunday was the truly extraordinary day, we went to Church which went well and I managed to receive some revelation at, but the remarkable part of the day was dinner with a member of the Stake Presidency. We had our investigator with the baptismal date at the dinner as well and he did a wonderful job answering many of her questions, but the truly great part came after. We sat down with him in his office for a minute to discuss a recent convert that had been having some problems that he was good friends with; the conversation then turned to missionary work in this ward and at one time the great Strongsville ward was the highest baptizing ward in the mission without a single missionary there!!! This has made me realize the incredibleness of this ward and how well we can do by working with the members and the Lord. This also helped me realize my commitment to this ward and my responsibility, and I will strive to my utmost and give my hundred percent to serve the ward and people of Strongsville and to rescue my brothers and sisters  from the plains of life and with the Lord’s help I know that the missionaries and members of the Strongsville ward will succeed.

We have been called to serve in the place;
Where Christ our Savior has shown His face.
We know the Words the Lord has proclaimed
“Kirtland will be built up again”
We are in the Ohio Cleveland.
We have prepared since our youth.
And we are in the Ohio Cleveland,
To Bring Ohio His truth
-The Ohio Cleveland Mission Song 3rd Verse

The Report of Elder Hunter D. Poe