This week was a wonderful week in the Ohio Cleveland Mission. On Tuesday we had a wonderful opportunity to meet with a new family in the ward, the Storm family. It was a wonderful experience to see the joy that families can find through the Gospel, the Storm family have been members their entire life, but they are fairly young with two young children and when we went over and taught them the lesson it was incredibly touching to see how the parents were encouraging them with answers and asking them questions about things they were learning in their own family scripture study. I just wish every family I talked to could see how the Gospel could bless their family so much.
Wednesday was a wonderful day in missionary work as well, we had an opportunity on Wednesday to give a blessing to Rick, a less active member of the ward, as he was leaving town for several days, and in addition before we left I got the prompting to give him a Book of Mormon and ask him to give it to someone while he was out on his trip. I don’t know what will come of it, but I know that anything that inspires us to do good and act more like Christ would is of God.
So Saturday is one of those day that is less exciting in missionary work. When we got down to plan Friday evening we realized that we had no appointments, except for correlation early in the morning, so we planned a day full of stopping by and tracting, and that is how the day fell out we spent hour after hour tracting, and this was one of the warmer days to boot. I loved every minute of it though, I know that it isn’t an incredibly effective way of finding new persons that would like to hear the news of the Gospel but I love the opportunity to get to a door and bear testimony to someone of the fact that Christ loves us, that He has a plan for each of us, that He has called another prophet in these latter days, and that He gave us the Book of Mormon to bless us.
Saturday was definitely a wonderful day though, not because of the many hours of tracting, but the day prior I had asked my Fearless District Leader and Companion Elder Fiefia, for a blessing because I felt like I should get one. That Saturday evening convinced me of the true power of the Priesthood and of Priesthood blessings, the things Elder Fiefia told me answered questions that there was no way for him to know I had, I know that God has restored the priesthood authority on the Earth and that it truly is the power given to man to act in the name of God, I would encourage every worthy priesthood holder that reads this to offer their family member a blessing this week, it will be a powerful experience for all involved, I would also encourage any Priesthood holder that at this time is not currently worthy to get worthy to give blessings, this world needs every single priesthood holder it can get right now and we can’t afford to have them being out wandering in forbidden paths when right now we are fighting an all out war with Satan, and outnumbered over 100 to 1 I might add.
Sunday evening was the capstone of the week, but unfortunately didn’t end well. We had an appointment with a wonderful less active, part member family, it was the first time we had actually been able to get in with them to have a lesson. As we sat down with the mother and father, the children were absent, we started talking with them and got to know them a little bit, then we shared with them the blessings the Gospel brings to each one of us, how it can help them, we got to testify of the fact that there is a prophet on the Earth again today and that Christ has restored His Church and that they will find greater happiness through it than anything else, that it would bless their family, and their home, we laid everything the Gospel would bring them out for them; at this time the Sprit was so strong you could almost feel the Saviour in the room. Then we asked them the question, if they would want to continue to learn about the Gospel and avail themselves of the blessings that are just within their reach, they considered it for a minute, then two. Apart from when you issue someone the baptismal invitation, this is pretty much the most suspenseful moment in missionary work, it is like when you are just about to find out if your team is going to win the super bowl, this is everything you work for and study for and prepare for is to help people to come closer to Christ. Then she answered and said she felt that her Cahtolic upbringing had sufficiently helped her come close to Christ. If anyone within a 20 mile radius had the power to read minds they would’ve heard a very loud NNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOO coming from my brain. I wish that they would’ve taken advantage of the opportunity that was presented them, but they have their agency, I know though that a seed was planted, let us hope the soil is ready to receive it.
In conclusion this week went well, I know that God lives, that he loves and knows each one of us. I know that Jesus Christ is the Saviour of the world, and has healing for every person that will come unto him, for his yoke truly is easy and is burden is light. I know that Christ has again restored His church on the earth again and that it does have the divine priesthood authority that can only be given from God. I also know that any person can come to know these same things if they will read the Book of Mormon, ponder in their minds the message it contains, and then asks God the Eternal Father in the name of Christ if it is true.
O all ye that are spared because ye were more righteous … will ye not now return unto me, and repent of your sins, and be converted that I may heal you?
3 Nephi 9:13
The Report of Elder Hunter Poe