This week has been pretty fantastic, our investigator Mercedes came to church again this is 2 times in 3 weeks which is super exciting, if her surgery on the 14th goes well we will be probably to be able to help her enter the waters of baptism on the 1st of March. However our other investigator Phil didn't come to church and sounds like he is going to probably have to have gallbladder surgery, which is not a happy thought.
So one miracle I have seen this week is the power of prayer. Two weeks ago we had our Zone Training Meeting where we came up with a list of investigators across the zone we were going to pray for and we all agreed to pray for them by name once a week. Last night our zone leaders sent out a text across the zone reporting that 2 of the investigators that we had been praying for had overcome significant obstacles to baptism, including softening the heart of parents opposed to the church, an anti husband, and health issues, all of these have been being overcome by the power of prayer. Prior to my mission I "said my prayers" as I have come out into the mission field I have realized how much power there is in not just saying your prayers, but in communicating with your Father in Heaven through prayer. One of my favorite statements on prayer comes from the Bible Dictionary "As soon as we learn the true relationship in which we stand toward God (namely, God is our Father and we are his children), than at once prayer become natural and instinctive on our part." prayer isn't just about getting blessing for ourselves and requesting help prayer is a way we talk to our loving Father, whose sole design is our happiness and who has all power in Heaven and Earth to bring that to pass if we will trust in him. As Christ has said "whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name.. believing that ye shall receive behold is shall be given unto you" ( 3 Nephi 18:20) Prayer is a way we can express our concerns and our joys, our fears, our faith, our anxieties, and gratitudes to a loving Father. Although prayers can be said silently in the sacred chambers of our hearts, they gain greater power and will increase our faith if we vocalize them at every opportunity we have. Our prayers will have more energy of heart if we understand that we are actually talking to a being that has a body of flesh and bones as we do, and not some amorphous clump of ether. With prayer being a conversation though after we are done speaking, we must listen, we must allow time for the other party to respond to us and to give us the answers to our questions that we are seeking.
I know that prayer is a celestial form of work and if we will put the time and effort into developing a personal and close relationship with our loving Heavenly Father, we will be blessed so much "that there shall not be room enough to receive it" (Malachi 3:10) I know that if we will earnestly pray to our Father in Heaven he will hear and answers our prayers, he will provide guidance, and comfort. I know that few habits in this world will bless a family more than praying as a family each morning and evening, as we do the Spirit of the Lord will be more present in our home. I know that our Saviour Jesus Christ is the Saviour and Redeemer of the World and though him all mankind can be saved by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel. I have come to this knowledge because I have prayed sincerely and have had the Lord answer me in unmistakable ways, I know in the same manner, and by the same power, that Joseph Smith is the prophet of the Restoration and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the Lord's kingdom on the Earth again. I testify in the name of Jesus Christ Amen
The Report of Elder Hunter Poe